Smoooth Biz

Smoooth Biz

Company Secretary

Frictionless work for you and your clients

Effortless company secretarial tasks with Smooothbiz SaaS solution

Amidst the rising governance standards that company secretaries are required to meet, busy business owners often find themselves with limited time for essential correspondence. From client onboarding and case management to due diligence, compliance, and client relationship management, Smoooth offers a tailored user experience that enhances company secretarial efficiency and ensures clients’ utmost satisfaction.

Embrace digital transformation that is easy to deploy and incredibly powerful

Fit for company secretaries of all sizes​_Smoooth Biz

Tailored for Company Secretaries of All Sizes

Whether you run a small firm or a larger enterprise, Smoooth is designed to cater to company secretaries of all sizes. Embrace the advantages of our platform without the hassle of building your own system. Simply subscribe to our service based on your usage requirements, and with just a few steps, you can onboard customers and establish a shared portal to engage seamlessly with your clients.

Be a smart company secretary and connect seamlessly with your clients.

Join Beta Program​

Smoooth Biz beta is currently available for invite-only company secretaries or accountants. Reserve your spot on the waiting list to get early access. Leave your company email address if you have one so that we can prioritize you in our waiting list.